What is cloud computing? Learn everything about cloud computing Explained?

What is Cloud Computing In simple term?

Simply a cloud computing is the services where you can store our data. Generally cloud computing is called Storage. Store data Like: services, databases, networking, software and many more our the internet ( " On The Cloud " ).

Cloud computing offers faster innovation, flexible resources and many more. The cloud computing is very useful for faster performance you pay as you need.

The cloud computing deliver fast and secure data which was very useful for user to access and maintain data on cloud on the internet.

Benefits of cloud computing

There are various benefits of cloud computing are as follow:

1) Speed
2) Cost
3) Reliability
4) Performance
5) Security

1) Speed :- The cloud computing is very fast and easy to access data over cloud on internet, typically it take few second to access data on the cloud which was easy for user to use data.

2) Cost :- The cost of cloud computing is more reliable. It was just similar for buying hardware. So it can affordable of any user.

3) Reliability :- The cloud computing is more reliable because cloud computing makes data backup, disaster recovery and many more.

4) Performance :- The performance of cloud computing is very fast. The cloud computing run on the worldwide network. So it was fast and efficient computing hardware.

5) Security :- As the cloud computing is very fast as well as very secure to transfer data on the internet. It provide lots of security of the user. 

How does cloud computing work?

Rather than owning their own computing data infrastructure or data center, many companies use cloud computing as their own cloud services without make own data centers. The cloud computing help many companies to grow on this internet world.

The cloud computing provides many services Like speed, cost, security, and many more which was beneficial for everyone.

The cloud computing avoid maintain and manage own data centers, wasting time, and more cloud computing is simple to use, access and maintain it saves the time and cost of an organisation.

Types of cloud computing

There are various types of cloud computing that provide various services are as follow :

1) Public Cloud
2) Private Cloud
3) Hybrid Cloud 

1) Public Cloud :-  The public cloud are operated by third party known as cloud service provider which provide servers and storage.
eg. : Microsoft Azure.

2) Private Cloud :- The private cloud computing are operated by own business or organisation. In this much of companies pay to third party services provider to host their private cloud.

3) Hybrid Cloud :- The hybrid cloud is the combination of both public cloud and private cloud. They allow to transfer data between private or public cloud.

Types of cloud services

There are various types of cloud services are as follow :

1) Infrastructure as a service (Iaas)
2) Platform as a service (PaaS)
3) Serverless Computing
4) Software as a Service (SaaS)

In Today, Cloud computing is most popular and highly used services.The cloud computing is used by many organisation and companies.

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