CSS stands for ( Cascading Style Sheets ). CSS was develop by Hakon Winum Lie in the year 10 October, 1994. At the time of development Hakon Winum Lie was working with Tim Berners Lee at CERN. The aim of CSS is to provide Style Sheets of web pages.
Introduction To CSS
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is the most popular language to design web pages more attractive and beautiful. CSS make HTML more attractive. CSS also describe how all the elements of HTML are displayed on screen, browser, etc. It is easy to learn. CSS give special effects to web pages. CSS control the color of text on web page, control the font of text, set the background color of the web page, set image on the web page. CSS provide the verity of effects to for modern looking web pages or websites.
Advantages Of CSS
1) CSS save your time.
2) CSS give modern look to your web pages.
3) CSS provide faster page loading.
4) It is easy to maintain.
5) It is easy to learn.
Uses Of CSS
There are various uses of CSS which provide special effects and give modern look to your websites.
There are some following Uses of CSS are :-
1) Control the color of text.
2) Change the font style as we required.
3) Design your web page with colorful effects.
4) Set image as we required.
5) Make your web page more attractive.
Versions Of CSS
There are various versions of CSS are :-
Cascading Style Sheets CSS1 was come out of W3C in year 1996. In this versions describe the simple formatting of HTML elements.
Cascading Style Sheets CSS2 was come out of W3C in year 1998. In this version supporting the media specific style sheets like elements positioning, downloadable fonts, etc.
Cascading Style Sheets CSS3 is the latest version of CSS. It is develop in June 1999. It is divided into modules and each module have unique features. CSS3 is the advance of CSS2.
Rules Of CSS
The following rules of CSS are as :-
Selector : - The selector is use to identify HTML tag where CSS is applied.
Property :- The property is the type of attribute of HTML tag.
Value :- The values are assigned to the property.
CSS syntax rules are :-
Selector { Property : value }
Example Of CSS
<TITLE> The Example </TITLE>
color: red;
<P>Hello World</p>
CSS can be written under <style> tag.
Types Of CSS
There are there types of CSS. This all type work same but uses are different.
The following CSS are : -
1) Internal CSS
2) External CSS
3) In-Line CSS
1) Internal CSS :- Internal CSS is use within <head> tag. Internal CSS use selector for identify HTML elements.
eg. :- p{
2) External CSS :- External CSS is use by making different file which link the main page within <head> section.
3) In-Line CSS :- In-Line CSS is use within tags.
eg. :- <p style=" color:red; ">Hello World</p>
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